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Daño del filtro de aceite de mala calidad

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The annual May Day has arrived

The annual May Day has arrived

The annual May Day has arrived During the May Day holiday, our will be closed for five days. This, also known as Day, has its origins in the labor movement and is celebrated in countries around the world. The commemorates the achievements and contributions of workers. The history of the May Day holiday dates back to the late 19th century when labor activists around the world began to organize movements advocating for better working conditions, fair wages, and reduced working hours. One significant event that led to the establishment of this holiday was the Haymarket affair, which took place in Chicago, United States, in 1886. The labor movement called for a general strike on May 1st to demand an eight-hour workday. Over time, May 1st became symbolic for workers' rights, and many countries adopted it as a public holiday. In China, the May Day holiday was formally recognized in 1949 and has since been observed nationwide. It provides an opportunity for people to take a break from work, spend time with their families, and engage in leisure activities. In our company, the decision to have a five-day break during the May Day holiday is to allow our employees to rest and recharge. It is also a gesture of appreciation for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. We believe that a well-rested workforce is more productive and motivated, and this holiday serves as a way to promote work-life balance. During the May Day holiday, our company encourages employees to enjoy their time off responsibly, engage in recreational activities, or use the time for personal pursuits. We hope that this break will provide our employees with the opportunity to rejuvenate and return to work with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Our sales Service online by email or WhatsApp during this long holiday, Welcome inquiry anytime. Email:Sales@filters-king.com WhatApp:+8618144082725

Daño del filtro de aceite de mala calidad

¡Lo verdadero y lo falso del filtro es realmente difícil para las personas que no pertenecen a la industria distinguir entre lo verdadero y lo falso! Los productos falsificados y de mala calidad en el mercado son desenfrenados, y la apariencia de productos inferiores es casi la misma que la real. Muchos aceites de motor falsificados no pueden distinguir entre ventas en línea verdaderas y falsas. Para ahorrar dinero, muchos propietarios de automóviles han causado daños en otras partes del automóvil, ¡pero han causado pérdidas innecesarias!

Daño del filtro de aceite de mala calidad:

1. El papel del filtro de aceite inferior es pobre en material, es difícil lograr el efecto de filtrado requerido por el motor del automóvil, y el área del filtro es más pequeña que el filtro de aceite original de las piezas de repuesto, la eficiencia de filtrado es pobre y el servicio la vida es corta.

2. Los filtros de aceite inferiores a menudo no tienen válvulas de derivación. Una vez que el filtro esté obstruido, el motor no podrá obtener suficiente lubricación con aceite. En casos severos, el motor saltará los dientes, quemará las baldosas o incluso desechará.

3. El filtro de aceite inferior no suprime el retorno de aceite después de la ignición, y el desgaste mecánico del motor durante el arranque en frío aumenta, lo que reduce la vida útil del motor.

4. El material inferior del anillo de sello de goma del filtro de aceite es pobre, el anillo de sello se deforma a alta temperatura y alta presión, lo que resulta en un sellado ineficaz y fugas de aceite.

El filtro de aceite de alta calidad puede proteger mejor su motor, por favor disfrute de imágenes de filtro de aceite de alta calidad:

High quality oil filters

Más h filtros de aceite impecables desdewww.filters-king.com .

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